Sunday, September 28, 2008

Winterize Your Body

Hello, All!

It's getting chilly in the mornings here at my house and it can't be denied that the winter season is fast approaching. While I'm enjoying Mother Nature's beautiful Fall colors and abundant produce, my mind naturally wanders into preparation mode. Like many of you, I'm giving more thought to electric blankets, storm windows and heavy socks. The furnace will need to be checked and the car's radiator flushed, too. Those of us who live in the Northeast know how important it is to winterize our vehicles. Have you taken care of that yet? And equally as important: have you winterized your body yet?

I don't know of too many people who give much thought to getting their bodies ready to withstand the assault of winter's more present germs and viruses. We seem to give more attention to what the car needs than to what our bodies need. Further, we don't give much credence to the necessity. Some folks will stock up on cough syrup, nasal decongestants and tissues. That's all well and good, I suppose, but it's definitely a backwards approach to winter time wellness. Yes, be ready for a cold just in case it comes, but work on preventing the cold first. Prevention is the key to wellness in any any season and deserves some extra effort at this time of year in order to make your body protected against the usual onslaught of illnesses that thrive during the winter.

Prevention of illness is based in your body's immune system. The many parts of your body work in concert to keep you protected from environmental invaders when they attack. Simply put, strong immunity is essential for wellness. Those who follow the rules of general good health already have a foundation of good immunity. The basic tenets of good nutritional habits, regular exercise and adequate sleep always apply; however, there are additional measures which you may not necessarily think of as healthful habits.......

Keeping yourself well hydrated is really important. Dehydration causes problems such as kidney failure, poor digestion, dry skin and the reduced ability of your body to release toxins and waste products. Taking care of your skin is also an important endeavor. Your skin is your largest organ and one of the first barriers against disease. Remember to use personal care products which are the most natural that you can find. Most shampoos, creams and lotions contain toxic chemicals. Just because it says "natural" on the label, doesn't mean it's necessarily so. Be wary, read the ingredients list and do your research.

Stress is also a huge problem for your immune system. Stress causes the body to produce a hormone called cortisol. This is the stuff we need for fight or flight. But if stress is constant, cortisol production continues, literally destroying your immune system over time. It also causes fast heart rate, high blood pressure, cardiopulmonary disease, elevated blood sugar, poor digestion, loss of sleep and more. So keep your stress level down by whatever method works for you.

These are just a few things that you may not have thought of as being important for preventing a cold this winter. There are lots of things you can do to keep yourself well. In the last several years I've taken a more proactive approach to my own health. Even so, I have not always done what's been best for my health. Eventually, though, I always get back on the wellness path. In four years I have had only one slight cold, and it was easily dealt with and quickly gone. I haven't just been lucky; I've been working on my immune system. Since my plan has worked for me, perhaps it would work for you. Let me tell you about it.

  • Every day I drink an ounce of Ningxia Red, Young Living's super nutrient infusion. This juice is so good for you in so many ways that I can't go into here. I stock a few extra bottles on the shelf for winter.
  • I take a handful of vitamins, minerals and herbs every day to supplement my food. Vitamin C is a powerful and inexpensive antioxidant which I take in higher doses over the winter months: 4,000 milligrams per day.
  • I drink more water over the winter to keep my kidneys working well. The kidneys are key in filtering out toxins. They work much better with more water.
  • I take extra care of my skin with Young Living lavender oil. Together with a vegetable oil blend, it's a wonderful and soothing all-over body treatment. I also use all natural and pH balanced MSM lotion.
  • I try to get some additional sleep during the winter. Resting isn't my best thing -- I have so much that I want to accomplish! But I keep trying.
  • And finally, there is no doubt that I have been more well since I began using Young Living Essential Oils. I apply them to my skin, inhale them, diffuse them and swallow them every day. Their use is a key component of my wellness plan.
So.....I'm only human and my immunity is not such that I feel as strong as I could feel in avoiding colds and flu. I need a back-up plan, and I have one which has worked for me over and over -- and over again. Since this is tried and true for me, perhaps it would help you. I never keep this wellness stuff to myself. (Whadya mean, you've noticed?) At the first sniffle or tickly throat, here's what I do:

  • I increase Ningxia Red to twice daily.
  • I begin Zicam Nasal Gel (from the drug store), an all natural zinc product, according to the package directions.
  • I force fluids: as much warm, caffeine-free liquid as I can hold. Broth, boullion and herbal teas are what I like.
  • I take internally: Thieves essential oil blend and wintergreen oil in a capsule, alternating with oregano and tangerine oils by the same method.
  • R.C. essential oil blend gets applied topically, inhaled and perhaps diffused.
I keep this routine up for at least 48 hours, even through the hours of sleep, until my symptoms abate, then for an extra day or two to be sure. I have such faith in this method that I would never think of being without these things.

So, there you have it: my comprehensive plan (and back-up plan) for wintertime (and all year) wellness. Young Living Essential Oils have changed my life. Never have I felt so ready for whatever germy things the coming season might bring. I've been working on my immune system for years and I'm definitely reaping the benefits of what I consider to be the most "essential" ingredients for health.

I have no cold or flu toxic "medicine" in my medicine cabinet. I have Young Living Essential Oils. I haven't winterized my car yet, but I have winterized myself. Have you winterized your body yet?

Wishing you the best of health!

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If you'd like to know more about Young Living Essential Oils, you can click on the link which you'll find right up there under my picture. Or you can call or email me anytime!

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Jude Ker

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The information contained herein is given for educational purposes only.
It is not meant to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease.

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