Monday, July 30, 2007

My Mother Would Be Shocked!


I have been catching up on some email this morning and I came across an article at (one of my favorite websites!) which I found disturbing and sad. It told of the lack of reading by many of us. With thanks to Dr. Mercola, I post this information here....

The following statistics about book publishing and reading were found on, the Web site of self-publishing guru Dan Poynter.

1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college.
80 percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
(Source: Jerold Jenkins,

53 percent read fiction, 43 percent read nonfiction. The favorite fiction category is mystery and suspence, at 19 percent.
55 percent of fiction is bought by women, 45 percent by men.
(Source: Publishers Weekly)

About 120,000 books are published each year in the U.S.

Each day in the U.S., people spend 4 hours watching TV, 3 hours listening to the radio and 14 minutes reading magazines.
(Source: Veronis, Suhler & Associates investment banker)

I can't conceive of not reading -- books, articles, research, natural (and unnatural) health information, and on and on. Frankly, my mother, the person who gave me the most encouragement to read and to read often, would be shocked at these statistics. It seems fairly obvious to me that vegging out in front of the television is not the best thing to do for our mental health. Sure, tv is great but pick and choose wisely what you'd really like to watch; don't just have the tv on all the time. There are so many great books out there to be had, whatever it is that you might be interested in. Reading promotes knowledge, good vocabulary and independent thought, and it helps us keep our brains in tune for our older age.

I'm in a spot right now where I'm not working and I have some extra time to read and to let my mind wander where it will; but I always make time for reading, whatever my schedule might be. Reading is one of my greatest pleasures. (Thanks, Mom!)

Right now (well, not RIGHT now!) I'm reading Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas, swapping off with Dr. Mahmet Oz's YOU on a Diet, and I'm also reading and learning about a new healing modality called EFT. What are you reading this week? Do give me a comment and let me know. I double dog dare ya!


Friday, July 27, 2007

Interview with Dr. D. Gary Young, N.D.

Hello, all!

I've just heard a great interview between author Karol Truman and the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, Gary Young. It has information regarding the background of essential oils, the sad state of our medical system today and what's next for Young Living. There is news here also from Ecuador where Dr. Young has been working to develop new oils.

I hope this link works for you. This interview is long (about an hour) but well worth your time if you want to know about the oils. Dr. Young is curing antibiotic resistant tuberculosis down in South America and also cancer. Here in the States we are not allowed to say that pure essential oils cure anything. I leave it to you to decide. And of course, if you have any questions about Young Living Essential Oils, please don't hesitate to give me a call at 315-255-3066 or an email at


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Talk for Less Stress

Do you ever feel like you're all alone in the world?

Sometimes when we're working on a hard task or problem we can feel that way because we are so focused on getting through it that we block out any possible help. Or sometimes we are set on doing our thing alone because it will be nice to be able to say at some point: Hey! I did it myself! Perhaps there are times when we think we should be smart enough to figure out the answer and that others may think we are lower on the intelligence scale than we actually are.

Having done a thing ourselves can be a boost to the ego, but is it worth all the stress to isolate ourselves? Not when we have friends. Life is a collaborative existence. Chances are that your friends, even though they might not know much about the project you are involved with, can at least be a sounding board for you. Even if they have nothing of any practical value for you, at least they can listen or perhaps provide tea, a hug or a word of encouragement. If you are a good friend yourself, you can pretty much count on the fact that the person you befriended will be happy to have the opportunity to help you out, too.

If your friends are true you can count on them being there for you....and they are great stress relievers! So call on your friends today. Chances are that they are just waiting to hear from you.

Wishing you the best of health!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Myths Regarding Cancer Causes

A few days ago my friend forwarded a post from one of her groups regarding myths on what causes cancer. She asked me to respond and so this is what I sent her.

Regarding what causes cancer.....

There is probably a myth out there for every living being about what causes or may cause cancer. The fact of the matter is that we can study and study and we can't know for sure. We can create relationships between certain conditions and certain cancers, such as: many people who smoke get lung cancer; however, we don't know for sure. Some people who smoke never get cancer. (But they probably DO get emphysema, though!)

Years ago when I was a child (40 years ago or so), there were not very many folks who got cancer of any type. Our Earth was cleaner back then. There were not as many toxins present as there now are. There are thousands upon thousands of toxic substances around today. They are in our food, in our water, in the very air we breathe. They can't be avoided and are a certain fact of life. Why do I bring this up? Well, since there was not much cancer 40 years ago and now it is running rampant, my conclusion is that toxins of some or many types can cause cancer. Can one toxin cause cancer in everyone? Probably not. But put a toxic cocktail together, factoring in all the nasty chemicals around us, it's bound to work on some of us -- or on many of us.

I believe that everyone has the ability to grow cancer cells. I believe that most of us are growing them right now. It's our immune systems which take care of those aberrant cells, blocks them before they can grow big enough to harm us. We can be sure that some chemicals out there will get us if our immune systems are not functioning as they should be. So, it should figure that we should do the best we can to take care of our immunity because we cannot avoid the chemicals all around us.

So on to the post about the myths of the causes for cancer. The first is about deodorants and breast cancer. There have been many studies which link the aluminum in some deodorants to the development of breast cancer. The body does not include aluminum in it's list of substances it needs. Aluminum can be toxic to the body. Everything we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies because the skin is porous. It's interesting that when aluminum laden products are applied so close to the breast that it has been linked to cancer in that area. The studies have never proved anything for sure. The studies have never DISPROVED it either. Would you take the chance on getting cancer if you thought you might be able to avoid it? I wouldn't. Also, I should say that it is always a good idea to look closely at any studies on any of these things. Who conducted the study? Chances are that it was a pharmaceutical company in this instance and we know they can't be trusted! They can only benefit from our illnesses. Was the study done over a short period of time or a lengthy period? Was it done with many people of all types or on one specific group? Who funded the study and do they have anything to gain or lose from it's outcome?

Regarding microwavable plastics: The FDA says that it's okay to use certain plastics in the microwave, that they are not dangerous as long as the FDA has approved them for this use. First of all microwaves are dangerous things to use. They destroy the nutrition of your food. Yup, they're fast, but they completely kill your food, rendering it worthless to your body. However, if you think that's not true and you still decide to use a microwave please don't use plastics. Plastics are made from petrochemicals and it's possible that some of them can leach some toxins into your food. It's safer to use glass and if you cover your dish use a paper towel instead of plastic wrap. Also, as I said above, take a look at the study. Who did it? The FDA says we are good to go with some plastics in the microwave. This is the same organization who has huge financial ties with the big pharmaceutical companies. This is the same organization who told us that Vioxx was safe. That was before 100,000 people died from taking it. This is the same organization that swears that aspartame is safe. I believe absolutely nothing that comes from the FDA.

Good people do get cancer. While we can do everything we can to keep ourselves healthy and live a good, clean life, cancer is hard to avoid because of all the nasty chemicals in our world. Even the very good among us don't get a pass on cancer. I wish it were different. And cancer is not contagious. It may seem like it is sometimes because there is so much of it around. Like I said, it's hard to avoid. Don't we all know at least one person who has it?

So....what can we do to avoid cancer? We can take good care of ourselves to the best of our ability. We can start by eating nutritious foods, drinking alot of water, getting enough exercise and sleep, and avoiding stress. We can avoid as many of the toxic chemicals that we know about by changing our cleaning products to something less dangerous, by reading the labels to find out what nasty things are in our personal care products and getting some with good ingredients. We can look into natural health measures when we're ill and to keep ourselves well. And always think about what you put in your mouth as far as pharmaceuticals go; they all have bad side effects, even aspirin.

Do your own thinking about these things and don't take anyone's word for it if you think you know better. After you do your research make up your own mind. Take responsibility for your own life. Most of the time we know best what our bodies need and what they don't need. Good luck in your fight against cancer!


Monday, July 9, 2007

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

In today’s global market place it’s nearly impossible to find out who has been responsible for the product you buy at the store. More goods than we know are being imported from other countries, other places where standards of all kinds are not as high as ours.

Considering the latest information we have about many of our brands of toothpaste which are coming to the US from China and Africa, I would ask you this question: who made your toothpaste? If you don’t know the answer to that question, how can you be assured that the label is telling you the truth, that there is nothing dangerous in that stuff you put in your mouth every morning? Okay, so that was two questions, but, well, you know me. I have many!

It used to be that we knew who was growing our food. It was the farmer down the road, and we knew that the flour for our bread was being milled in the next town and the bread was baked at the bakery on the next street. We could trust the manufacturer then because we could walk along and talk to the person responsible. You could look him or her in the eye and be better able to judge if the product presented to you was worthy of your purchase. Sadly, those days are mostly over. And equally as sad, despite the standards put in place in this country for quality control, there are still dangerous ingredients in many of the products and foods that we have in our homes right now. So, let me ask you once again, if you’ll permit me: who made your toothpaste?

I think that it’s advisable to question things as we go along life’s road and to do our own thinking. If we don’t, we automatically let others do the thinking for us. Is it a good idea to just accept what big companies tell us is in their products? We should really do our own research on this. But most people don’t have much time. Life is too busy for research. So, how can we know that the products we use are safe? We can know by having a trust relationship with the person who sells our products to us. We trusted the farmer and the miller and the baker because we had a personal relationship with them. It was a matter of pride back then that these people provided a good product.

If you can’t do your own research in the area of personal care products, nutritional supplements, therapeutic essential oils and natural health, find yourself a Young Living Representative. (Know anybody)? This is the person who you can trust to do the work for you and to find you the best products for your wellness needs. This is the person who represents a company with a proven track record of excellence in all areas. Chances are that this person has used these products before you and can give you a personal account of how they worked for them.

So…..I invite you to go along to your bathroom and take a look at your toothpaste and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are these ingredients which are listed on this label?
  • Are they safe for me to put in my mouth?
  • Why does it say that I will need to call the Poison Control Center if I swallow it? What if my child swallows this stuff?! How can I prevent my child from swallowing it?
  • What are these ingredients: sodium laurel sulfate, carbomer 956, titanium dioxide, blue dye #1? Are they toxic? (Answer: they are!)
  • Why are toxic chemicals in my toothpaste?
  • Isn’t there something better out there? (Answer: yes!)

I’ve asked myself these questions and more, and I decided that the status quo didn’t work for me anymore. I wanted something safe and I found it. The only toothpaste I put in my mouth is made by Young Living. I know and trust the folks who make my toothpaste and I know where the owner lives and works and what his standards and practices are. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is no antifreeze in my toothpaste. How about you?

Jude Ker
Natural Health Consultant
Young Living Distributor #816597

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*** All Young Living oral care products are organic, non toxic and totally safe to put in your mouth! Please contact me for more information about Young Living products including therapeutic essential oils, supplements, personal care products, animal care products and household care products, all of which contain NO toxic chemicals.