Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Only Thing for Burns

Hello, All!

Last week I picked up a hot pizza pan. I thought I had the pot holder well-placed -- but I didn't. My thumb got burned and began to get red and swollen right away. Mom would have had me hold my burned digit under cold, running water. Gram would have applied butter to the area. Me, I use Young Living lavender essential oil. This incident with the hot pan reminded me that I should remind you: lavender oil is the only thing for burns.

We Young Living folks call our lavender oil the Swiss Army knife of oils because it has countless uses for everyday life. It's the most purchased of all the Young Living oils, and arguably the most widely used for the most diverse purposes. Since summer is rapidly approaching, I thought that this was a good time to tell you of how great lavender oil is for burned skin. Not only does it stop the pain, it prevents further tissue damage and provides oxygen to those poor burned cells to help speed healing.

When I was on vacation in Maine a few years back I thought it was a good idea to go trooping around a treeless island all day without any protection from the sun. When I returned from my outing my face and neck were as red as a Maine lobster. I applied lavender oil right away and I kept applying it hourly for the rest of the day, and frequently through the next couple of days. The initial burning pain vanished immediately with the first application and it never returned.

Even though I had heard about the wonders of lavender oil for this purpose, I had never had a chance to test it's worth. I want to tell you that I was absolutely convinced of it after that episode with Old Sol. And as I continued to apply it time after time, I was so grateful that I didn't have to apply some smelly, greasy, toxic cream to my skin.

Essential oil of lavender from Young Living is the only thing I use for burns of any kind. If you think you'd like to try some on your next burn, please make sure you don't purchase your oil from the local MegaMart. There's lots of "lavender" oil out there and most of it is labeled 100% pure and natural. Chances are good, though, that these oils are badly processed making them useless for healing and dangerous for burned skin. Only use the oil that's guaranteed to be pure, organically grown, gently processed and independently tested for it's therapeutic value.

The morning after I came into contact with that hot pan, I had no sign of having been burned. I love my lavender oil and I would never want to be without it! Be prepared. Call me to place your order and I'll send along a free list of some of the wonderful uses for this wonderful oil. Just like the heat of summer, burns in the kitchen are inevitable. So consider buying an extra bottle to keep next to the stove. And just one more piece of advice: when you go out into the sun, wear your hat!

Wishing you the best of health!

PS: Look right to find my contact info. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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