Monday, July 9, 2007

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

In today’s global market place it’s nearly impossible to find out who has been responsible for the product you buy at the store. More goods than we know are being imported from other countries, other places where standards of all kinds are not as high as ours.

Considering the latest information we have about many of our brands of toothpaste which are coming to the US from China and Africa, I would ask you this question: who made your toothpaste? If you don’t know the answer to that question, how can you be assured that the label is telling you the truth, that there is nothing dangerous in that stuff you put in your mouth every morning? Okay, so that was two questions, but, well, you know me. I have many!

It used to be that we knew who was growing our food. It was the farmer down the road, and we knew that the flour for our bread was being milled in the next town and the bread was baked at the bakery on the next street. We could trust the manufacturer then because we could walk along and talk to the person responsible. You could look him or her in the eye and be better able to judge if the product presented to you was worthy of your purchase. Sadly, those days are mostly over. And equally as sad, despite the standards put in place in this country for quality control, there are still dangerous ingredients in many of the products and foods that we have in our homes right now. So, let me ask you once again, if you’ll permit me: who made your toothpaste?

I think that it’s advisable to question things as we go along life’s road and to do our own thinking. If we don’t, we automatically let others do the thinking for us. Is it a good idea to just accept what big companies tell us is in their products? We should really do our own research on this. But most people don’t have much time. Life is too busy for research. So, how can we know that the products we use are safe? We can know by having a trust relationship with the person who sells our products to us. We trusted the farmer and the miller and the baker because we had a personal relationship with them. It was a matter of pride back then that these people provided a good product.

If you can’t do your own research in the area of personal care products, nutritional supplements, therapeutic essential oils and natural health, find yourself a Young Living Representative. (Know anybody)? This is the person who you can trust to do the work for you and to find you the best products for your wellness needs. This is the person who represents a company with a proven track record of excellence in all areas. Chances are that this person has used these products before you and can give you a personal account of how they worked for them.

So…..I invite you to go along to your bathroom and take a look at your toothpaste and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are these ingredients which are listed on this label?
  • Are they safe for me to put in my mouth?
  • Why does it say that I will need to call the Poison Control Center if I swallow it? What if my child swallows this stuff?! How can I prevent my child from swallowing it?
  • What are these ingredients: sodium laurel sulfate, carbomer 956, titanium dioxide, blue dye #1? Are they toxic? (Answer: they are!)
  • Why are toxic chemicals in my toothpaste?
  • Isn’t there something better out there? (Answer: yes!)

I’ve asked myself these questions and more, and I decided that the status quo didn’t work for me anymore. I wanted something safe and I found it. The only toothpaste I put in my mouth is made by Young Living. I know and trust the folks who make my toothpaste and I know where the owner lives and works and what his standards and practices are. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is no antifreeze in my toothpaste. How about you?

Jude Ker
Natural Health Consultant
Young Living Distributor #816597

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*** All Young Living oral care products are organic, non toxic and totally safe to put in your mouth! Please contact me for more information about Young Living products including therapeutic essential oils, supplements, personal care products, animal care products and household care products, all of which contain NO toxic chemicals.

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