Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Talk for Less Stress

Do you ever feel like you're all alone in the world?

Sometimes when we're working on a hard task or problem we can feel that way because we are so focused on getting through it that we block out any possible help. Or sometimes we are set on doing our thing alone because it will be nice to be able to say at some point: Hey! I did it myself! Perhaps there are times when we think we should be smart enough to figure out the answer and that others may think we are lower on the intelligence scale than we actually are.

Having done a thing ourselves can be a boost to the ego, but is it worth all the stress to isolate ourselves? Not when we have friends. Life is a collaborative existence. Chances are that your friends, even though they might not know much about the project you are involved with, can at least be a sounding board for you. Even if they have nothing of any practical value for you, at least they can listen or perhaps provide tea, a hug or a word of encouragement. If you are a good friend yourself, you can pretty much count on the fact that the person you befriended will be happy to have the opportunity to help you out, too.

If your friends are true you can count on them being there for you....and they are great stress relievers! So call on your friends today. Chances are that they are just waiting to hear from you.

Wishing you the best of health!

1 comment:

Max DeLong said...
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